Welcome to the Canton of Caldrithig      

The Canton of Caldrithig is a branch of the The Society for Creative Anachronism, an international organization dedicated to researching and recreating the arts and traditions of pre-17th-century Europe. Caldrithig encompasses the City of Ottawa, Ontario, and is a part of the Barony of Skraeling Althing (Eastern Ontario). We are part of The Kingdom of Ealdormere (most of Ontario), one of 17 Kingdoms worldwide.

Things are happening in Caldrithig

Mondays: Dance, 7-9pm , McNabb Community Centre Preschool Room 180 Percy St

Wednesdays: Armoured 6-9pm, Somerset Community Centre, 250 Somerset St East

Thursdays: Rapier 7:15-9pm , Jack Purcell Community Centre, 320 Jack Purcell Lane

Check out the Kingdom Calendar to confirm a practice or the individual event page.

NOTE: All of our activities always welcome newcomers and are always open to the public

Keep in touch

Obligatory Fine Print

This is the recognized website for the Canton of Caldrithig of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. and is maintained by the Clerk Registrar. Please read our disclaimer for additional information.