Hello and welcome!
Glad you found us! We are so happy to meet you and look forward to getting better acquainted. I am sure you would like to know more about us since you have dropped by, so here is more information. We are the local chapter in a recreational medieval organization called the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The Canton of Caldrithig is the local group within that organization encompassing Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and surrounding regions. Within the organization, our Canton is located within the Barony of Skraeling Althing, which in turn is part of the Great and Noble Kingdom of Ealdormere. In real-world geography, the Barony encompasses the region from Petawawa, to Kingston, to Ottawa, to Cornwall, and the Kingdom covers most of the Province of Ontario.
Who Do I Contact?
In the SCA, there’s a special office called chatelaine just for welcoming newcomers. This person can tell you all about the SCA, and help get you started. The chatelaine can also introduce you to people in the group who are knowledgeable in your particular areas of medieval interest. If that wasn’t enough this wonderful person can also help you get started on making your own medieval garb or find you loaner garb if you can’t get your own made in time (garb is a necessity if you plan on attending any SCA events).
The SCA – Who Are We And What Do We Do?
Started in Berkeley, California in May of 1966, the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) was incorporated in 1968 as a not-for-profit educational organization. Interested in “living history”, members have a “hands-on” approach to history, engaging in activities that help them to explore ages past.
The SCA period encompasses pre-17th century Western Europe, with an emphasis on the Middle Ages and Renaissance (minus all the “nasty bits” like plagues, inquisitions, fleas, rats, famines, etc). Participants wear medieval clothing, and take part in a variety of activities, including combat, archery, cooking, metal and woodworking, music and dance, calligraphy, fiber arts, and more. There are over 30,000 paid members of the SCA, and the total number of participants is around 60,000 people.
For a more detailed introduction to the SCA, please see this web page.
An SCA event is usually an all-day affair (or at least afternoon and evening) during which people gather to re-create the medieval era. The object is to strive for as much authenticity as possible, given modern safety and other considerations.
Activities vary from event to event but most have at least a tournament during which fighting and/or fencing for honour and rank takes place and an elaborate evening meal called a feast. There may also be court (where royalty can recognize and honour their subjects and vice versa), games, arts competitions, demonstrations, dancing and bardic circles (during which the oral tradition of storytelling, music and poetry is continued).
Events are often held in church halls because they tend to have good kitchen facilities which lend themselves to food preparation on a grand scale (often 50 or more).
An attempt at pre-1600s costume is required to attend. There is an event discount if you are an SCA member. Membership information can be found on the SCA Inc website
Attending Events with Minors
Are you attending with minors?
Parents of children will need to sign a waiver at event gates for their children.If your child(ren) have a current SCA membership with a waiver signature on file they will send you a blue membership card. This can be shown instead of signing a waiver at each event.
If you are bringing a child to an event for whom you are not the parent/legal guardian you will need to bring two items.
- A complete signed minor waiver, or signed blue card
- A complete signed minor medical waiver (2 copies)
If you are unsure of what you will need to have, please contact your local group Seneschal for more information prior to the event.