Oyez! A baronial council meeting was held on January 21st at 7:00PM. Top of the agenda was discussion of the name change poll results. The Barony has voted to proceed with a change of name, and a list of possible names has been compiled.

Baronial Name Change Update

Greetings From the Baronial Seneschal This is to announce the official voting on whether or not to change the name of our Barony. There have been discussions over the past year with all the groups in the barony. An excellent report was written by Baron Colyne Stewart that gives all the relevant information.  Continued use of our current name has several issues:   There was a comment by M. McLean on the website that makes the most important point. “if we are perceived to be […]

Skraeling Althing Name Change Poll

Call for Bids For Baronial Summer Event. I have no sense of time anymore and it is apparently March. If people would like a Baronial summer event you should get organized and submit a bid to the Baronial Council.  Traditionally, we have had two summer events, the first being a demo at Upper Canada Village and the 2nd being Baronial Muster. It is looking increasingly unlikely that UCV will have their event in future, and we may wish to have […]

Call for Bids For Baronial Summer Event